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Ants do it better than we do.

According to E.O.Wilson, the founding voice of biomimicry, the biomass of ants is greater than the biomass of humans, yet ants manage to live on this planet and improve the quality of the soil, air, and water, while we degrade those systems.


We need to relearn the connectivity in nature's systems, and, in using the term "Nature's systems" I intend to include humans and all that we create.


We need to recognize the brilliance of millennia of experiences, and embrace nature's lessons. In seeking to apply the principles she has learned, we can live optimally, and without experiential limits, within the systems that exist.




Every one of the Project Drawdown solutions reduces CO2 emissions and draws down the atmospheric burden that is driving climate shifts. 

CLICK on the radio button above to explore every solution.

Climate Action

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(#5) Tropical Forests

(#11) Regenerative Agriculture

(#15) Afforestation

(#35) Bamboo

(#52) Coastal Wetlands

(#60) Composting

(#67) Farmland Irrigation

Water and Land


(#36) Alternative Cement

(#47) Bioplastics

(#55 and #56) Recycling

(#61) Smart Glass

(#70) Recycled Paper


Products and Production


From any of the many Spiderman movies, we know that "With great power comes great responsibility".  In celebrating our value, we need to recognize our effect on the greater community and world around us.  Each project, choice, goal, can be even more exceptional if those connections are understood, and mutually served in the process.

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